Photo of Snow Field Near Trees

Explore the Thrill of Winter Camping: Unforgettable Activities for Couples

Winter camping. It’s a thrilling experience, isn’t it? Most would say no… BUT if you had a few fun ideas of what to do when camping with your significant other, it wouldn’t be so bad!

Here are some fun couples activities to do when camping with your spouse or significant other during the winter.

Green and Red Tent on Snow Covered Ground

Classic Winter Activities

Everyone knows and loves the classic winter activities whether it’s building a snowman or having a snowball fight. Here are a few of those activities with a bit of a twist.

Build Snow Spouses (or Significant Others)

Instead of making a classic snowman, make your experience more personal and silly by trying to sculpt each other out of snow! Make use of nearby branches, rocks, and even each other’s clothes to really make your snow spouse come to life!

Sled Races

Sledding is another way to enjoy the snow. However, if you two are the competitive type like my husband and I are, and want to make things interesting…create a course and race! Your course could include some wicked turns and bumps (please be careful). Make sure the loser kisses the winner ;).

Snowball Fight

Snowball fights can be so much fun, but you’ll need a fortress to protect yourself. Give yourselves about 30 min or so to make some snow forts. From your fort, you can you can venture on a sneak attack, or find refuge as you hastily make more snowballs.

Have you seen those snowball makers? Maybe pick up a couple of those before you head out to elevate the competition. (That is not an affiliate link, I just think snowball makers are cool.)

Winter Hobbies to Try When Camping

To really enjoy winter, you’ve got to have a winter hobby that makes you look forward to the snow. For me, that’s snowboarding. However, skiing and snowboarding are not the easiest activities to do when you’re camping. So, here are a couple of suggestions that may be a little easier when it comes to winter-camping hobbies.


Snowshoeing is a great way to explore the area and is a nicer way to see and enjoy the snow if you’re not really down for throwing it at each other.

I have never actually been snow shoeing myself, but I know people love it, recommend it, and I am sure it can be made into a competition if you guys are like that (lol I’m sure I could find a way).

Two Man Hiking on Snow Mountain

Cross-Country Skiing

Along the same vein as snowshoeing, cross country skiing is another great way to explore the area. Another hobby I have yet to try myself, but it’s on my list of to do’s next time my husband and I go camping this winter.

Winter Camping Skills to Learn Together

Another great way to bond with your spouse is to learn a skill together. Here are two skills that could be fun to learn together and make for a more enjoyable winter camping trip!

Make a Fire

Mastering fire making is an important skill to have for any camping trip, not just ones in the winter. Bring your equipment to make a fire and together you can practice different techniques for building a fire. Mastering this skill will make for a warm and cozy camping trip.

TIP: A great DIY fire starter is cotton balls smothered in Vaseline. When lit, these will burn for approximately 10-15 min. To store, wrap them in tinfoil and unwrap when ready to use. Be sure to make several of these and bring them for your next camping trip!

A Campfire on a Snow Covered Ground

Construct a Shelter

Knowing how to make a shelter in the wild is another fantastic skill to know and can be so fun to practice! You can either use your own tarps, rope, etc. or you can utilize what mother nature offers you! Snow igloo anyone? Now you don’t need to sleep in your snow structure, but how awesome would it be if you trusted it enough to sleep in it!?

Indoor Activities to Escape the Winter Cold

Playing in the snow is fun and all, but its also nice to take a break from the cold and enjoy some indoor fun during your winter camping trip. Some of the best ways to have fun indoors (or in your tent) are…

Card Games

Card games are such an easy way to have fun with each other. There are countless 2-player games out there that can all be played with a regular deck of cards. Games I love playing are Spit and War, but there are many other games to choose from.

Cuddling (aka Feelin’ Snuggalay)

Take advantage of the cold as a perfect opportunity to cuddle. Cuddling can be hard when you’re at home because two warm bodies together can get real uncomfortable real fast. BUT, when you’re out in the cold you will definitely need each other stay warm. So, be sure to bring A LOT of pillows, blankets, and sleeping bags and you’ll have the COMFIEST bed which will make you both feel very snuggly (or as my husband and I like to say… “I’m feelin’ SNUGGALAY” haha give it a try).

Read a Book Together

Once you two are cuddling in your perfect pillow pile, you may try finish off the day right…with an adventure book! My husband and I love reading books together (we pretty much have our own book club), especially when we’re camping. One book we’ve really enjoyed is Hatchet by Gary Paulsen (not an affiliate link). It’s a story about how a young teen, Brian Robeson, learns to live in the wild after surviving a plane crash that leaves him stranded with nothing but his hatchet.

Now that you have some fun and refreshing ideas, I hope you take them with you on your next winter-camping adventure. From the snow building to the book reading, you and your love will have a fantastic time! Stay warm using those homemade fire starters and remember to get SNUGGALAY!

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